Weyhey! Welcome to a new section. I'll be utilising my several years of higher education in bringing to you information on chickens, sourced from research articles. I never knew there was a journal of British Poultry Science! So why research articles and not books? Well, articles go through a peer review process before publication. Yes, I've felt the pain of submitting an article, only for it to be rejected, the pain of reviewers asking for more tests, more corrections and data. All requested by people who work in the field and try and improve the quality of the article. I've contributed to book chapters, but the one's I have done are basically a review of the current published literature. I'm not so sure about stand alone books, does it just get reviewed by the editor? I mean, there are some books out there that just give bad information (anyone remember that paleo diet cookbook that got pulled from the shelves?) . Anyway, I'll talk about a topic I fi...
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