New Coop - Buffy's coop finished!
I had a tight deadline to get Buffy's coop finished as I was due to head interstate for work for a week. It would have been too much for one person to look after the animals in three different locations, Buffy in his bachelor cage (since he fights with Penguin), Penguin with his hens and the chicks in their two different cages.
After wire was placed on the ground a layer of dry sand was filled, a perch was installed. I found out working in there that the big viewing window faced the direction of pretty much any wind that we had. So being in there you got the full force of wind. So an extra laserlight roofing was placed as a shutter to block out the wind. They still have a window on the opposite side and the door to the coop is also made of mesh. They have plenty of ventilation, but maybe just too much with that big window! Will have to rethink what to use to cover it, the chickens like standing on the perch and looking out, so maybe some glass or acrylic...
Automatic chicken door from Titan Incubators. Just a simple timer and a motor that opens and closes at set times. Another thing to help prevent foxes from entering, if they get past the fencing.
Nest box, I ran out of paint and the one of the left ended being painted yellow :)
Here is Buffy making a next for Flopsy. These two are going to live together. Buffy has always had a sweet spot for Flopsy!
External collection area with a simple hasp to keep it closed.
Our front door to the fenced off area. We placed pavers under the door to build up the floor height. We didn't want foxes squeezing or digging under the door.
We had a retaining wall, so the fence went behind that, so a fox can't dig under it. The chickens like standing on the wall and looking out.
This gives a perspective on the size of the run. It is mainly shaded throughout the day and it looks outward to a forest. We are trying to grow some grass for the chickens, but I found that leftover chicken seed also sprouts really well. So when I clean out the coop for spilled seed, it gets placed on the ground and watered in. Chickens like eating it too! So less wasted seed in a way I guess...
Looking out into the forest. The section on the left is supposed to be their dust bathing area. Haven't gotten around to filling it with sand yet.
Planted some Agapanthus for the chicks to hid under. Carted loads of leaves from another section of the garden for them to dig through.
The partially painted coop. The paint is just to protect the wood from the elements. I use whatever leftover paint available, any paint is better than no paint in my opinion. The box covered with the trellis has brocolli seed sprouting away.
I had to expand the perch as Flopsy and Buffy were not happy in sharing their perch with the little ones. We also had to block off the nesting box at night as the little ones would want to sleep in the box. I find it interesting that the different breeds all like to perch together. It is like this every night!
I think Buffy is much happier in this coop. No more sleeping alone at night. Buffy loves to snuggle with Flopsy, especially when it is cold. Buffy burrows his head under Flopsy to get her to lift her wing. Buffy then snuggles under her wing to keep warm.
I find this incredibly cute. On really cold days, Buffy will have his head tucked under Flopsy's wing too!
Well, I hope that the chickens are all happy and safe in this coop. Now for us to relax a little bit before we start expanding Penguin's run. Work never ends here!
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