Chicks - Grow With Me - The 4th Month
4 months old! And they grow so fast but at least they are still best friends! They spend all day outside now and they return to their cage every night. They still stay away from the other hens and the hens stay away from them, so that's probably why they stick together so much. Penguin's hackle feathers are starting to show the characteristic long and thin feather shape that roosters only have. No sign of saddle feathers yet. Buffy's feathers are a bit harder to see, but he's also showing signs of hackle feathers. Buffy isn't too interested in crowing much, Penguin is the one trying to perfect his crow. I think this crow is absolutely adorable. It now sounds like this: The muffling around Penguin's head has grown quite a bit. I was a bit worried that he couldn't see properly, as he has missed pecking things on the ground before, but I think he has compensated for this feather obstruction and he's pecking away find now. Buffy - ...